1. Jarvis Tetch
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. Sunday, 13 May 2018
i remember an episode, fans help me out here, where the viewers discover that the current POTUS (President Of The United States) on Kara's Earth is actually an alien from another planet. a refugee without American citizenship. obviously she was not born in America, let alone the planet Earth. now Kara is awear of the POTUS's real identity and seems to not have a care in the world that the US Constituition is being violated. the document that protects every American citizen. Kara's willingness to ignore this fraud of the highest office in the land makes her partner to what can only be considered as a form of treason. not to mention any decisions made by this POTUS are illegeal and would be under question if the public would ever be told the truth by their Hero, Supergirl. it would seem the the writers see it fit to make Kara out as a character that is willing to put her own Political views on Unconditional Inclusiveness ahead US Natonal Security & the safety of US citizens. why would the writers push that their 'programing' try to justify the seating of a Treasonous President?
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Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Since people have fairly strong things to say about politics and apparently love to talk about it, we might as well have a subforum where people can open fire instead of making everyone hold it in, as long as it is civil and no personal grudges are held. Afterall the chances of any of use finding each other elsewhere on the internet is slim, might as well be here.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Meh....bait by a troll........sorry, not biting. ;)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
"The show is a work of fiction. In a fictitious world, things can be made up and overlooked / omitted for the sake of telling a decent story. Do not equate real-world issues with a serialised superhero TV program. They do not mesh and never will."

Yes, of course. Not only is Supergirl a TV show, it is a TV show based on a comic-book series. When I was growing up in the late 50s and 60s, comic books were regarded as nothing more than "junk for the kids to read and keep them busy" (and rock 'n' roll was considered to be its musical equivalent). Our English teachers referred to comics as "sub-literature", and told us that they regarded reading them as "a terrible habit" (actually, more apt description of the then-ubiquitous cigarette smoking). And then our music teachers naturally called rock "sub-music" (bear in mind that they were talking about a genre that included the Beatles and the Beach Boys!).
And I guess that explains why I tend to regard the equation of a comic-based superhero TV show with real-world issues as not just faintly ridiculous but totally absurd.

"What Romulus said plus I’ll add that Kara’s(not Cara) motto isn’t Truth, Justice, and the American way. Her motto is Hope, Help, and Compassion for all."

Yes, it is - absolutely!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
What Romulus said plus I’ll add that Kara’s(not Cara) motto isn’t Truth, Justice, and the American way. Her motto is Hope, Help, and Compassion for all.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 4
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Please stop trying to bait the board. It will not work.

Let me reply to your stated assertions on point:

1) In this retelling of the Supergirl lore, the POTUS is technically a female alien who was presumably elected in her human form, and also presumably a U.S. citizen in her human form. There is no evidence to say that she not a U.S. citizen in her more natural alien form because she may have been around prior to 1776 (her actual alien age is not known nor revealed). This would predate the creation of the U.S., its Constitution or its Amendments. In this case, she would get a pass as would the Founding Fathers and inhabitants of the American colonies at the time.

2) The Head of the D.E.O., J'onn J'onzz, is an alien from Mars who is over 250 years old. He is in charge of capturing and imprisoning aliens (and some metahumans) who do not obey general Earth laws (not specifically those of the U.S.) and have been imprisoned for crimes committed on other worlds.

3) Kara Zor-EL (not her alter ego Kara Danvers) is technically a refugee on Earth. So is Kal-EL (Clark Kent). Both in their alter ego human guises are presumably U.S. citizens. Neither is running for office.

4) The show is a work of fiction. In a fictitious world, things can be made up and overlooked / omitted for the sake of telling a decent story. Do not equate real-world issues with a serialised superhero TV program. They do not mesh and never will.

5) The writers, the PTB and the industry (as a general rule) for positive or negative, tend to be left-leaning in their views. They tend to support causes that are currently not in line with the current administration's policies or practices. Kindly get over it. The show isn't real-life and doesn't pretend to be.

6) The U.S. is still (in its own mind) a free country and such diverging opinions and viewpoints, public presentations and the like, are permitted and still encouraged.

7) Kindly do not use the terms treason, fraud, deception, lies / misrepresentation, abuse of power or the like when applying it to the show since they are already being addressed in creative ways. The terms you've attributed to the show or specific characters can also be applied to the current state of real-life affairs in the U.S.

8) Bear in mind that the U.S. is / was founded by immigrants and refugees. Their rights are just as valid as those of the so-called "natural born." Everyone at some point or another currently living on the North, Central and South American continents in their family tree is from "somewhere else."

9) Truth, Justice and the American Way are very subjective terms, and in this day and age are very loosely interpreted and applied. They no longer have the same weight or resonance they once did.

So, please, keep the sorry state of current U.S. politics or theoretical / hypothetical / perceived injustices and political baiting tactics off of this board. It does not serve any purpose and does not lead to constructive dialogue.
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 5
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