1. Romulus
  2. Motivator Love Fool Vanity Monster
  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Even though there are various topics surrounding who or what will or might appear in Season 4, I'm just opening up this thread to allow people to post their Season 4 wish list. It doesn't have to be about villains or heroes or "ships", but more about the desired direction of the show and topics / angles and character development and other aspects.

So, without further ado, post away below.

PS: The attached pictures is from comickergirl's site (albeit referenced / used in a slightly different context). It seems appropriate. ;)
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
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Gonna have to forgive me for repeating stuff I say a lot, but given the nature of this topic, kinda inevitable

Alright part one, stuff we're probably tired of hearing, getting those out of the way:

1. A powerful and compelling villain.
2. Single and permanent, or no romance/ships.

Alright, other hopes:

3. The show further explores the bond between Kara and her original friends.
4. More crossovers.
5. I'm hoping we get more male villains, but not depicted in a "battle of the sexes" kind of way. When the show begins to treat the gender of combatants as utterly irrelevant, that means it has become comfortable with the fact of gender equality and no longer sees the need to emphasise anything.
6. I think this is a common hope around here, more singing.
7. More alien and kryptonian stuff. Maybe another appearance by Superman.
8. More characters from the DC lore.
9. Make Kara's day job have a function. Let it tie in to the superhero life somehow. Surely being a reporter can give her some form of edge.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 1
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Now that the season is done and we know that the show is now on Sunday nights, and some speculative knowledge of the first few list has changed a bit.

1. Better advertising, Sneak Peeks starting Thursday, Friday and Saturday....the inside look early on Sundays not before, and even sometimes after the episode airs.
2. Far less Guardian...
3. Far more Kara/Supergirl helping people, figuring out how to solve things without the help of the DEO.
4. Less Alex having to bail Supergirl out of situations.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 2
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1. More of Kara being a reporter. Clark’s day job has always been a big part of Superman lore and Kara’s day job was a big part of season 1. The show seems to have lost that.
2. The producers need to talk to Calista and get Cat back for a mini-arc of 2 or 3 episodes. (Ideally, I’d like her back full time, but I realize that’s not going to happen.)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 3
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1. Faora
2. Big Barda and the Furies
3. As others have said, Legends/Supergirl crossover. Have Mick run around Central city, etc.
4. Have Mxy return, but have the gang have to help him in a twist. Maybe from another 5th dimension person?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 4
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Christ that's right, there's still Jeremiah..............

One of the most evident failures of Season 2, must be addressed immediately
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 5
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I also want more Eliza, and love the suggestion of Eliza in a Supergirl costume or other nods to her movie role.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 6
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Lets see, some things that maybe on the negative side, but would make Season 4 much more enjoyable for me.

1. No Guardian at all....the fact that we saw Guardian so little this season was a big plus for me.
2. No Lena and James, the chemistry is just not there.
3. No ship for Kara....let her be single for a couple of seasons at least.

Some things I would like to see....

1. Alex truly move on from Maggie, either just making a clean break, or finding someone that puts Alex first, rather than Alex always putting others first, I'm ready for Alex to have some quiet time.
2. Keep working on the the CGI/FX making it better...this season has been far and away better than the first 2 seasons, until this last episode.
3. More street crime kind of things for Kara, more investigative reporting on her part, helping individual citizens....not as a full plot line but I want to see more of that intertwined with the main plot.
4. End the Jeremiah story line properly....but end it.
5. We have seen in the last few episodes the quirky, funny Kara....I want to see lots more of that.
6. It is going to be very hard to make the Season 4 villain as good or better than Reign.
7. I am different from most, I really don't need much more of Winn, Jonn and the DEO...ALTHOUGH, i would love for Jonn and Kara to do more other world traveling together....not to Mars, but other places.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 7
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During the long hiatus, I did a lot of rewinding to earlier Supergirl episodes. Four main “themes” appealed to me:
-the epic scenes (eg saving the plane; the final battle in Red faced; halting the Exodus ship; etc)
-the Danvers sisters chats
-the humour (Hank as Kara; Supergirl and The Flash interactions; Cat and Keira)
-Supergirl’s smile.
So I would like more of all of those.

Like others, I would like to see Supergirl in the future.

But even more, I have a particular hankering to see her in earlier times e.g. the Wild West (perhaps singing “Buttons and Bows” in the saloon!); taking HG Wells to do research on the moon; taking Wendy’s place in Neverland (Supergirl and Tinkerbell!); helping Isaac Newton with the theory of gravity!; supporting “witches” in Old Salem ).

I suspect her presence and powers would be even more astonishing to our forefathers.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 8
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1. having Super Man making another appearance.
2. I still want to see Bat girl make appearance during the season.
3. I don't bring back the character Mon El. I have nothing against the character. I would have him died at end of Season 3. saving Kara.
4. reduced the amout of romance in the show.
5. have a cross over with the legends of torromow.
6> I would love to see ray plamer make appearance on the show as well.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 9
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But even more, I have a particular hankering to see her in earlier times e.g. the Wild West (perhaps singing “Buttons and Bows” in the saloon!); taking HG Wells to do research on the moon; taking Wendy’s place in Neverland (Supergirl and Tinkerbell!); helping Isaac Newton with the theory of gravity!; supporting “witches” in Old Salem ).

I think an SG/Legends mini-crossover would be a riot. And that first suggestion, the Old West motif has been tried time and again...with the appearance of Jonah Hex. Have Melissa singing Buttons and Bows (an Oscar winning song from the 1947 Bob Hope/Jane Russell film "The Paleface" [by the way, if you have seen pictures of Jane in her youth and prime, she would have made quite the Wonder Woman had a film serial been made of her]) would be a riot.

LofT's third season was full of wit, whimsy, fun and fights. If SG gets one of my wishes, a lighter tone, this would work.

Going on that theme, if say Kara, Sara and Zari have to ride horses, I would have Kara say to Sara in such giddiness, "I've always wanted to say this.: Sara asks "What?"

Kara then yells out...HI YO SILVER, AWAY! Then let Blake Neeley have at it with the William Tell Overture, which was The Lone Ranger's theme song!

The other thing which would make sense...Isaac Newton. Supergirl would defy gravity and Issac could not believe it.

I suspect her presence and powers would be even more astonishing to our forefathers.

Hmmm...maybe she can also work with Betsy Ross or Martha Washington. Of course she would also know about fighting for "Truth, Justice, and the American way."
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 10
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Lots of great ideas put forth! Most I'm on board with, others not so much. But hey, there's plenty of room at the table, right?

I've liked the humorous scenes in recent episodes, so more of that would be welcome. Also showing SG involved in the community, with ordinary people.

Keep Lena gray! She's much more interesting that way IMO, and there are plenty of other villains available to weave into the stories.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 11
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Let's see...

1. Have Lena and Winn hang out together. There are so many times when Lena is suffering through some Luther angst, that I think "too bad she isn't friends with Winn, he would understand."

2. Bring Siobhan back. She had sooo much build up to be a villian for just one episode, and she had to share it with another villian! She should get at least get another episode. Now that Livewire is gone Siobhan can takeover the nemesis position. It would also be interesting if she attacks Kara as Kara at CatCo. And then Lena decides Kara needs a bodyguard or something.

3. Winn's mom is fun let's bring her back too. Maybe she can meet Eliza, or Lillian. Actually let's get all three moms together. Wouldn't that be great! Lillian would be all threatening, and Mary would be all "not my son you b****" and Eliza would be all "ladies calm down I'm sure we can talk this out", as she trys to mom the other moms.

4. More CatCo. This has been mentioned by others. It would be nice to see Kara tracking down leads, that skill also comes in handy for her other job.

5. Give James a camera and put him out in the field where he belongs.
Don't assume malice when stupidity is an adequate explanation. At least, not the first time.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 12
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2. Bring Siobhan back. She had sooo much build up to be a villian for just one episode, and she had to share it with another villian! She should get at least get another episode. Now that Livewire is gone Siobhan can takeover the nemesis position. It would also be interesting if she attacks Kara as Kara at CatCo. And then Lena decides Kara needs a bodyguard or something.


I agree with this one, either Psi or Silver Banshee needs to come back. Also Psi and Kara seemed to come to some kind of understanding, especially when she pleaded for Psi to get a better cell. Also I wonder how Banshee would be like now. I wont to see maybe an arc of her realizing she threw away her civilian life or something like that, or like being in the background of a season as a secondary player.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 13
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Better promotion would be my top wish. During the hiatus the official FB page was way too quiet. Many of the posts were promoting other CW shows. They should’ve done a countdown every week saying when the show would be back. They also should’ve said something about when the show was coming back during LoT.

My second wish is for a good balance. Both between keeping the focus on Kara and giving the fantastic supporting cast time to shine and with Kara’s superhero and civilization life.

Last let’s see Alex dating, not necessarily in a relationship but putting herself out there. I’d like a scene with Kara helping Alex get ready for a date while giving her a sisterly pep talk. I’d bow to the TV gods if we got a scene where Kara agrees to be Alex’s wing women in a gay bar. I’d like to see Kara go on a date too, perhaps her and Winn can agree to go to speed dating night.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 14
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I agree better advertising for sure. It seems this season they have relied on twitter and facebook for its advertising and those tweets and post simply turned into a hatefest.

So yes, more advertising ON TV.....

And go back to the 4 sneak peeks starting on the Thursday before the episode airs. 1 Thursday, 1 Friday, 1 Sunday and the final one or possibly the Inside Look snippet on Monday....early in the day, not an hour before.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 15
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Cut the Jeremiah and James characters as both are not finding a place in the show really.

I liked one suggestion about Bertha and the Furies.
I agree it would be nice to see a better mix of male and female villains. Say, Lobo, some form of Red Lantern, maybe one of the villains form seaons one makes a return for an episode.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 16
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I'd like to see a Midvale episode every season, like we get a crossover every season. Maybe each season/episode is a subsequent year from their past.
Imra: "What about Tommy and Gina? 'You live for the fight when it's all that you've got!'"

Mon El: "Bon Jovi."

Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"

Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 17
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more flashbacks to when Kara first arrived, even if they just discuss it like they did with the popcorn maker. Give Eliza some good material to work with and really dig further into what has shaped Kara, show her growth so far, and more Danvers Sisters history.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 18
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Two items on my wish list.
1) Cat Grant in a mini-arc at least. The show lost something very precious (the mentoring relationship) when Calista left, and
2) Now that Kara knows that her mother is alive, what stops Alura from returing to visit her daughter on earth? A meeting between Eliza and Alura would be a meeting for the ages.
  Vancouver, BC, Canada
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 19
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