1. aragorn
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. Monday, 28 June 2021
They freakin wrote out Kate Kane. The whole show revolves around Kate Kane since the pilot. Hell the most popular Character Alice/Beth Kane whole story is the Kane Sister relationship. What are they even gonna do with her now. They also wrote out her father Jacob Kane. Can this show even be called Batwoman anymore now that they wrote out Batwoman Kate Kane. The heart of the show has also always been The Kane Sister Relationship now thats over too and Alice whole family is gone. Why couldn’t they have kept Kate While Ryan is still on the show.

There really is no point in calling it Batwoman anymore without the Kane’s the only one left is Alice. I bet they wanted to write her out to because she really has no storyline left now. But Rachel Skarsten as Alice is the powerhouse and MVP of it so they couldn’t write her out. But now with freakin Kate Kane gone. There really is no point to the show at all. Sundays ep was the last for me and i have seen A LOT say the same. There is no Batwoman show without Kate Kane thats a fact with so many characters tied to her.

Not to mention they found the perfect replacement for Ruby Rose is Wallis Day. What was even the point with this. She came in an blew us all away they even found someone that look like Rachel. Just a total waste to Throw such a perfect replacement away when the fan response been through the roof.
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You aren't wrong.

Once they replaced Kate with Ryan, I knew they were gonna write themselves into a corner. Ryan has fans, but they alienating all the people who started this show to see Kate Kane, the character who made the name "Batwoman" famous.

They had three choices by season's end.

1) Write Kate off forever, further alienating the Kate fans and comic fans.

2)Write Ryan off, bringing Kate back as Batwoman. This would bring back the Kate and comic fans, but alienate any new season 2 viewers who joined because of Ryan.

3)Bring Kate back and have bothe Kate and Ryan be Batwoman (or have Ryan take a new name). This would have satisfied both camps while alienating the fewest.

They chose the first option, sticking to their guns, despite the horrid ratings of this year. Seriously. I won't hate on anyone who enjoys this iteration of Batwoman, but numbers don't lie. After just two seasons, Batwoman is 3 rankings behind Supergirl in ratings (a show that is not only in its sixth season, but is ending).

I believe that anyone who tuned in to Batwoman because of their love for the comic character has been alienated. We lost Kate. We lost Jacob. Alice, who only worked as a villain because of her connection to Jacob and Kate, is pretty much a moot point, now.

There is zero connection between the Batwoman of the comics and the Batwoman show. Perhaps I wouldn't be as salty about it if they had chosen a different moniker for Ryan's vigilante persona. But as far as I'm concerned, she's not Batwoman. And as a fan of the comics, I have no motivation to watch this show without Kate. Wallis could have really breathed new life into the character, and instead they chose to do her dirty.

Unless they change direction and bring Wallis back to co-lead the show, then I'm out.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 1
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The key take away from all of this is don't blame the actors. They did their jobs well under trying circumstances. This show's undoing was foolishly driven by the PTB and the showrunners.

Truth be told: The writing was on the wall when Ruby Rose quit due to health and safety concerns (among other things) and a recast was needed. Season 1 was solid and well-built but Season 2 was a mess. I dare not try to guess what Season 3 will be like.

Welcome to the Berlantiverse way of taking a good, solid show and running it into the ground.
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 2
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I was disappointed that Ruby left, but I totally understood. Both she and one of her stunt doubles were seriously injured. Ruby had major surgery and neatly severed her spinal cord. She returned to work without the standard recoup period, so it bothers me when I hear statements she didn't want to work. This is definitely the PTB's fault. Javicia was placed between a rock and a hard place and Wallace hit a home run with her performance as the new Kate.

Fans were clamoring for Wallis Day from the MOMENT Ruby left. Hell, there may have been people vying for it since the show was announced. And from what I've seen, she did a bang up job.

I have no hate for any of the actors, but the showrunners need to get their heads on straight. They've alienated the Kate Kane fans and the comic book fans. Twice (at least).
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 3
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In the finale, Kate said she wanted to see a friend in National City... there's your Kara/Supergirl connection... LOL!

Totally agree with you. Dries really outdid herself in the worst possible way. This was an even bigger slap in the face than the first time Caroline Dries wrote off Kate Kane. Originally she said she would recast Kate when Ruby exited. Then she said she was instead going with a new character instead of Kate Kane because she didn't want to replace Ruby from one episode to the next using a soap opera trope. She wanted it to be "organic". Well, she got her chance. Brought in Wallis Day... FANTASTIC RECAST... came up with her reintroduction story and it paid off, giving the show its best season 2 episodes. Then she [Caroline Dries] writes her off. UNBELIEVABLE! I won't watch season 3, if this is her plan. Wallis finally gave the show an actress that can go toe-to-toe with Rachel Skarsten (Alice). I was even ok with Kate becoming a new iteration of Red Hood (without the murdering), as many were speculating on various social media platforms. I even kind of liked the idea, as it was clear Ryan Wilder was going to keep the batsuit. The idea of getting the Red Twins (Red Hoid/Red Alice) could really work. It's a spinoff I'd prefer to watch, if they felt it would distract from Dries' Ryan creation. Terrible, terrible blunder!!!! Jacob is out too... no room for the Kanes in this version of Gotham.

Dries had to see the backlash writing on the wall by doing this and did it anyway. The show lost 50% of its viewership in just one season. Not a big surprise.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 4
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
In the finale, Kate said she wanted to see a friend in National City... there's your Kara/Supergirl connection... LOL!

Totally agree with you. Dries really outdid herself in the worst possible way. This was an even bigger slap in the face than the first time Caroline Dries wrote off Kate Kane. Originally she said she would recast Kate when Ruby exited. Then she said she was instead going with a new character instead of Kate Kane because she didn't want to replace Ruby from one episode to the next using a soap opera trope. She wanted it to be "organic". Well, she got her chance. Brought in Wallis Day... FANTASTIC RECAST... came up with her reintroduction story and it paid off, giving the show its best season 2 episodes. Then she [Caroline Dries] writes her off. UNBELIEVABLE! I won't watch season 3, if this is her plan. Wallis finally gave the show an actress that can go toe-to-toe with Rachel Skarsten (Alice). I was even ok with Kate becoming a new iteration of Red Hood (without the murdering), as many were speculating on various social media platforms. I even kind of liked the idea, as it was clear Ryan Wilder was going to keep the batsuit. The idea of getting the Red Twins (Red Hoid/Red Alice) could really work. It's a spinoff I'd prefer to watch, if they felt it would distract from Dries' Ryan creation. Terrible, terrible blunder!!!! Jacob is out too... no room for the Kanes in this version of Gotham.

Dries had to see the backlash writing on the wall by doing this and did it anyway. The show lost 50% of its viewership in just one season. Not a big surprise.

Yep this was the biggest slap in the face to any real fan left watching now. Yeah i really adore Rachel as Alice she is exceptional but with what they did to her and her only family left was the last straw. Alice was really all of us REAL fans since the pilot when she said to Ryan “your loft ? You took her bedroom too” Yep she really stole Kate’s entire life i bet in s3 she will steal Sophie too because i seen all these pathetic Ryan fans all Scream for them to get together. How fast they have forgotten Angelique Ryans true love. Just so much insult going on in that show.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 5
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I was disappointed that Ruby left, but I totally understood. Both she and one of her stunt doubles were seriously injured. Ruby had major surgery and neatly severed her spinal cord. She returned to work without the standard recoup period, so it bothers me when I hear statements she didn't want to work. This is definitely the PTB's fault. Javicia was placed between a rock and a hard place and Wallace hit a home run with her performance as the new Kate.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 6
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

I was disappointed that Ruby left, but I totally understood. Both she and one of her stunt doubles were seriously injured. Ruby had major surgery and neatly severed her spinal cord. She returned to work without the standard recoup period, so it bothers me when I hear statements she didn't want to work. This is definitely the PTB's fault. Javicia was placed between a rock and a hard place and Wallace hit a home run with her performance as the new Kate.

Fans were clamoring for Wallis Day from the MOMENT Ruby left. Hell, there may have been people vying for it since the show was announced. And from what I've seen, she did a bang up job.

I have no hate for any of the actors, but the showrunners need to get their heads on straight. They've alienated the Kate Kane fans and the comic book fans. Twice (at least).

Yep people have nothing but love for Wallis as Kate and these showrunners gave us only 5 min of her being Kate Kane and still fans praise her and then Dries threw her away. Never seen showrunners so out of touch with their viewers. I mean how could they not expect tremendous amount of backlash with this slap in the face decision to EVERY real comic book fans and Batwoman fans from the pilot episode. Now the show is simply not Batwoman anymore and Dries chose to do this because Wallis wanted to continue.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 7
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