1. ambaar
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. Thursday, 11 July 2019
Is it just me, or are those new boots ? FB_IMG_1562857204456.jpg
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An upgrade to Supergirl's uniform is a good idea, but …
I liked the dark blue colour to her previous uniform and much preferred it over the light blue of all of the previous versions of Supergirl's uniforms (although I stopped keeping track after the 'Supergirl' movie in 1984). It looks as if they've kept the dark blue with the new one too, although I would have also liked having the traditional yellow fill colour to the 'House of EL family crest' (that looks like a 'diamond-S' to all of us earthlings, and which Superman still has on his uniform's "S";). Anything that adds a bit more colour and contrast to the otherwise blue and red is good.
The way that the cape is attached now makes it look like it was tacked on as an afterthought, rather than being an integral part of the uniform (ditto for Superman's being the same way). And I've never really liked the visible seams on her uniform; they make it look like something that a wannabe made at home for a costume party instead of something worthy of "The Champion of the Planet Earth" (check out Episode 2.22 for that one).
But the biggest complaint that I've had about Supergirl's uniform over the past four years was the boots. I never figured out why she needed to have hip-waders that covered her knees. When she was sitting down they looked kind of like skinny hockey goalie pads, and I wondered if they had been designed by the same person who designed the boots for Gene Simmons' on-stage KISS costume.
On the other hand, the thigh-high boots that were part of that one-piece outfit that she wore when she was battling with Lex Luthor at Shelley Island in Episode 4.22 "The Quest of Peace" looked really great, and I wish that they had gone with those instead when they upgraded everything else.
As for the hair; the bangs look very 1960's, but it's definitely better than that awful haircut that Alex wears when she's on the job at the DEO.
Some improvements to her uniform were needed, and overall I like some things about the new one-piece suit, but I'm not sold on everything that they did (not yet anyway - I'll give it time).
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 1
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I totally get what Kiwi is saying.

Teaching in high school, I see it everyday. There's a huge difference in what teens wear and what the adults wear. I think what Kiwi is saying has zero to do with feminism and more with Kara's growth, her maturing as a person. Melissa speaks to this very fact. Kiwi even stated THAT was the reason for him being able to accept the costume change.

The version HE'S seen, the Supergirl comics HE attached to of Supergirl, she wears a skirt. Doesn't matter that there's been other versions. They aren't the stories that recinated for him. So... the costume change was hard for some, not just Kiwi and NOT just "males" who have the same connection to a certain version of Supergirl as he does.

From what I understand, Superwoman's first appearance was in 1943. And... she wore pants... yes... back then even.

For me, AS a woman, the difference between the short skirt to pants (aside from the main reason of warmth in Vancouver) is the maturing of the character. It fits with the entire LOOK evolution of Kara... from wearing a high ponytail to now wearing more sophisticated updos. Cute flats to high heels. Cute sweaters with skirts to more sophisticated shirts/skirts/dresses/pants. Nothing Kara wore in, shall we say... Season 1...was less feminist. She just felt.., younger... "new"....naive (and no "naive" is not always a negative description). In my own life, I have found I have become more confident in myself--care less what others think of my decisions... bolder. It just so happens, I also don't wear, AS much, some of the same styles of clothes as I did back in the day. But, when I do wear a high ponytail... the #1 thing people do tell me is I look younger. They don't tell me I look less powerful or less feministic. Same thing goes when I wear my gazillion different Converse vs. when I dress up for the opera (I would have never attended an Opera when I was younger... my taste in music has even evolved.) On a side note, and to be clear... I still love a good Britney Spears, a Blink 182, a Carrie Underwood....

So maybe, just maybe... the males here aren't saying they like their women in skirts because "that's what women are supposed to wear." Maybe it's just a preference to something they were use to for this character, the costume THEY grew up with--a skirt... a skirt that was red that also broke up the blue. The skirt is Supergirl iconic. Our Supergirl no longer has the iconic red skirt, blue suit. Yet, the skirt looked like a younger GIRL... the new suit, that just happens to have pants, looks more like a WOMAN.

Annnnndd..... end scene.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 2
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My final thought:

The costume change and some of Melissa's comments about Kara have changed my approach to the forthcoming season, what's been striking me looking at the costume is I don't see Supergirl any longer I see Superwoman (especially as my mind was thinking back to a Superwoman comic book from a couple of years ago that had a similar costume to this one, see attached comic page). So instead of thinking of this season as Supergirl Season 5 I'm going to be looking at it as Superwoman Season 1 and my best hope is that like Supergirl Season 1 I get to enjoy the journey of Kara Zor-El filled with Superheroics, Action, Heart, Humour, Friendships/Family and her Reporting job.

Funny you should mention that, Kiwi.

My "ideal" ending for the show at some point, would have involved Kara at age thirtysome adopting a more mature image and maybe retiring the Supergirl moniker. The end of Kara's journey as Supergirl, the beginning of Superwoman kind of thing.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 3
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Upon a closer look, the suit actually looks much like Tyler's Superman.
For me, this is the only problem with the suit. It's not Supergirl's, it's Superman's put on Supergirl's body, which is indicative of a bigger issue at hand.

On the positive side of it, I do like the suit better in this lighting. It doesn't appear to be the leather that it originally looked like to be, but rather the mesh-like material that her original one contained. And I do like the gold accents and that gold emblem piece that goes across her collar.

I'm not a fan of the bangs, but it's still not even close to being as distracting or as bad as Alex's.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 4
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Re: Your previous post.

That's a good way of looking at things and I admire you for doing so. But, generally speaking and in today's social/political/economic environment, you're among a minority. I wish you well in this regard. It will be a very turbulent ride.

Now, let's see how it realistically translates to the screen and if it gains acceptance in the wider world, shall we!?
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 5
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Liberty Prime; thanks for translating bangs. I think we call it a fringe, as in Oklahoma in "a surrey with a bang on top"!!

On the subject of the suit, I am glad that there will be another Supergirl suit which can be uniquely attributed to Melissa's Supergirl rather than anyone else.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 6
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I wanna see James in a speedo.

A MILLION times no!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 7
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Biggest question I would suspect most women are now thinking....


:p :p :p :p :p :p :p

Also, new article with new pictures of the suit....

Daily Mail
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 8
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Ok, I have resigned myself to having to ask. What are hair "bangs"? (My ignorance may be down to me being outside the US, or perhaps hair for me personally is a bit of a distant memory.)

Bangs refers to hair that falls forward to cover the forehead (either completely or partially), as opposed to being swept back or to the side.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 9
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Upon a closer look, the suit actually looks much like Tyler's Superman. Also, now that they've made the switch, it allows them to refresh said suit much like they do Flash's and Green Arrow's. Still missing Flash's chin strap, however:p

I believe the chin strap is coming back this season from what I'm hearing.....;)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 10
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Ok, I have resigned myself to having to ask. What are hair "bangs"? (My ignorance may be down to me being outside the US, or perhaps hair for me personally is a bit of a distant memory.)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 11
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Upon a closer look, the suit actually looks much like Tyler's Superman. Also, now that they've made the switch, it allows them to refresh said suit much like they do Flash's and Green Arrow's. Still missing Flash's chin strap, however:p
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 12
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I think she looks good in the new suit.

I'd have liked a bit more red, like blue in Mon El's suit, but I love the belt (and it is not Kal's).

The bangs I have never been a fan of, but that is more a matter of personal taste. It is possible they have some in-story reason for moving to bangs and it is not an actor choice. Even if it is, that is fine.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 13
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Overall, the new suit is okay. I wish it were a little closer to the Overgirl design, personally. But it's not bad. I do still wish they'd done something more at the waist and hips to break up the blue.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 14
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I am soooooo glad the arm padding is gone....gone....gone.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 15
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Just watched new video clips of Melissa in the suit on set. From the back, you can't even tell a difference. Only real difference is pants. Seems like a lot of discourse over something that's not even really going to stand out like a few episodes in   Thing I'll miss about the skirt though? The breaking up of the blue. What I most definitely WON'T miss? Those panty hose always looked so uncomfortable. Hated the 90's at church just for that reason. bah ha ha I also totally will NOT miss the fake muscles inside the suit. bah ha ha ha
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 16
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Concerning the suit.....

Glad they didn't:

1. Add gloves. Though Overgirl's looked cool, I like our Supergirl without. Keeps her suit a bit more "free" looking--a bit more lighthearted, might be a better way to describe what I'm thinking.

2. Add a rise in the back heel like Alex's suit. I realize that might be to give Chyler more height as Director, and that Melissa is already tall. But, I prefer a flatter boot anyway. I would think Chyler's angled boots are harder to fight in? That's just me.

Concerning the hair.....

Was just re-watching this season's last two episodes, and had the thought that with the shorter bangs and shorter hair, might be harder for her stunt double to hide her face amongst her hair like she does. Her "move" was especially noticeable during the Supergirl/Red Daughter fight. Personal preference would be hurry up and grow out the bangs. But, I'm sure we'll all get use to the hair and the suit rather quickly.
To the hair, my hope is that that means she will be going back to doing more of the hand to hand stunts like she did in Seasons 1 and 2. If that is the case? Keep the haircut please. I hate it when the stunt double does that, it was REALLY noticeable.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 17
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I noticed something. The photo in Instagram that David posted with Melissa, Jesse and Chyler in Medbay was the old suit.

So, we will get the old suit for some scenes. May be they will change it in episode 1?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 18
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Concerning the suit.....

Glad they didn't:

1. Add gloves. Though Overgirl's looked cool, I like our Supergirl without. Keeps her suit a bit more "free" looking--a bit more lighthearted, might be a better way to describe what I'm thinking.

2. Add a rise in the back heel like Alex's suit. I realize that might be to give Chyler more height as Director, and that Melissa is already tall. But, I prefer a flatter boot anyway. I would think Chyler's angled boots are harder to fight in? That's just me.

Concerning the hair.....

Was just re-watching this season's last two episodes, and had the thought that with the shorter bangs and shorter hair, might be harder for her stunt double to hide her face amongst her hair like she does. Her "move" was especially noticeable during the Supergirl/Red Daughter fight. Personal preference would be hurry up and grow out the bangs. But, I'm sure we'll all get use to the hair and the suit rather quickly.

I'm hoping they let them continue to grow out, and don't trim them to keep them consistently short all season. But yeah, I'm sure we'll acclimate, one way or the other.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 19
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Concerning the suit.....

Glad they didn't:

1. Add gloves. Though Overgirl's looked cool, I like our Supergirl without. Keeps her suit a bit more "free" looking--a bit more lighthearted, might be a better way to describe what I'm thinking.

2. Add a rise in the back heel like Alex's suit. I realize that might be to give Chyler more height as Director, and that Melissa is already tall. But, I prefer a flatter boot anyway. I would think Chyler's angled boots are harder to fight in? That's just me.

Concerning the hair.....

Was just re-watching this season's last two episodes, and had the thought that with the shorter bangs and shorter hair, might be harder for her stunt double to hide her face amongst her hair like she does. Her "move" was especially noticeable during the Supergirl/Red Daughter fight. Personal preference would be hurry up and grow out the bangs. But, I'm sure we'll all get use to the hair and the suit rather quickly.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 5
  3. # 20
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