1. Argo
  2. Love Fool Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Supergirl Season 2
  4. Tuesday, 07 February 2017
The more I watch and re-watch the shows from both Seasons, I begin to view Kara as a tragic figure. Perhaps not in the Shakespearean sense of tragedy, as she is happy and enjoys herself. Nonetheless, she is tragic. As she noted in the Martian Chronicles, she fears abandonment and "putting herself out there." Let me explore that further.

Regardless of what we think, Kara reluctantly left Krypton to look after Kal. A parent didn't join her. Strike one: she's abandoned by her parents. She finally arrives and arrives too late. She is no longer needed. Strike 2. Alex points out Strike 3: Kal abandoned her. Another blow.

Here is my controversial one: she feels responsible for Jeremiah's loss because she flew when she was forbidden. Strike 4. It weighs heavily on her conscience.

We have seen that up to now how really alone Kara feels and is. Yes she has some friends and she loves them and it is returned. But there is a hole within her; she cannot replace what she has lost (Krypton, family, etc.). Is she really attracted to James? It seemed to me that he dangled her about. For example: the call he made during the first Thanksgiving episode, I thought particular demeaning and cruel, as he is busy snogging with Lucy.

Mon-El. Clearly she is attracted and is perhaps the person that comes closest to understanding her because of their similar backgrounds. Yet, again she's afraid and she is afraid of being abandoned again.

This theme resonates through the show and this last episode certainly presented it clearly. Alex is her lifeline and without it, she is scared and lost.

It's not that I think she cannot become truly happy. It's not that I think she needs a man to complete her. What I believe is that Kara needs to find away to become comfortable in her own skin and destroy her demons. Once she is able to achieve that, then she truly become the Kara Zor-El she was meant to be when she was 13 and before she left Krypton.

Just my thoughts and I would very much enjoy hearing your opinions, no matter what they may be.

A journey of 1,000 KM, begins with one step.
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I wouldn't necessarily call Kara a tragic figure in the traditional sense in that her experiences have been irreparably life-shatteringly traumatic or all-absorbing and she has not or cannot recover from them.

What she is, in a way, is all too human (but on a grander superhero-esque scale). She is attempting to live in a world that is (seemingly) not her own and to find her way and be at peace with herself and others in this world. In many respects, this is the crux of the human condition writ large.

J'onn J'onzz, on the other hand, would fit the traditionally defined tragic figure mould more.
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I definitely think that she has far greater enemies within than those she fights that are seen. I really was able to understand where she was coming from. As a child, my dad (whom I worshiped) left my family when I was 6, and my sister who is 7 years older than me went to live with my grandmother the next year. I felt abandoned and it does quite the number on children, so I can totally understand how that still impacts her today. A tragic childhood that is both her greatest strength, and greatest weakness. :(
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 2
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It could become more tragic if the show realises that she will lose Alex and Winn eventually; if as is suggested, Kryptonians can live forever; or at least, have a fairly large (like Martian large or more) life expectancy.


Now, I have made myself sad.

But, yes.. having abandonment issues for a person of her experiences is pretty natural. I don't know whether the writers will treat it with the gravitas it requires though. Or, will just say, she just needs a love life to be happy (which is what they seemed to suggest during this last episode). (Have family on one side, have romantic love on other, and your issues disappear magically.).

However, as Alex says on S1E2, she is ray of sunshine even with all the pain she has experienced. So, it is likely, that Supergirl as a character is not meant to be seen as a tragic figure; but rather as a figure of hope in darkness or trying times.

I just wish the show would explore this concept more deeply. How it clashes and engages with Kara's very real human feelings. How she struggles with it and finds her centre. (See, this could be a great storyline rather than love polyhedrons. ;-) I'd like some deep discussions between Alex and Kara on this; and may be J'onn since he could help her with longevity) In eastern religions, you have rishis/zen masters who struggle with life's trials and eventually learn to find peace and joy in life; and go on to become real bulwark of wisdom for the lay people (there are some really long-lived people in our mythology). Supergirl can eventually become that if you take her story forward through the decades.

(Honestly though, in this, my cultural background may be informing me. So, may not be what a US audience likes.)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I definitely think that she has far greater enemies within than those she fights that are seen. I really was able to understand where she was coming from. As a child, my dad (whom I worshiped) left my family when I was 6, and my sister who is 7 years older than me went to live with my grandmother the next year. I felt abandoned and it does quite the number on children, so I can totally understand how that still impacts her today. A tragic childhood that is both her greatest strength, and greatest weakness. :(

Kara is going to be facing far greater enemies like the Dominators out for revenge and perhaps Mon-El's parents.

And Kelly, as far as my family, my grandmother Millie died six months after i was born (for the record, my birthday is 9 days away)...breast cancer I think. My grandfather Rocco who loved me like no one else could have, died when I was 8 (1982) and I really felt sad about that. Six years after that, my other grandpa Peter died and then in 1989, my grandma Nellie. Six years ago my Uncle Rocky got a stroke and it has really turned things for my cousin his daughter Roxanne into a nightmare.

My mom and dad divorced in 1978 and i never really thought that much of him although terms of the divorce stated dad and I had to meet every Saturday until I turned 18 (that was in 1992). Here's a wild part to that story. My mom was supposed to go tot he divorce hearing in February. was there when the infamous BLIZZARD of 1978 struck. This was the storm that shut down CT and most of Southern New England. Needless to say the proceedings were delayed.

Sorry to have turned this into some shrink session. But, look we go through all these things. It's the circle of life.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 4
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I don't know that she was destined to be the Kara Zor El of Krypton. I think the travels with her father, the striving for justice of her mother are two things that have made her who she is today, and then couple that with what she has learned from Alex and SHE IS who she is destined to be. I was brought up to believe that everything happens for a reason, and I was taught to always look for the silver lining and if there wasn't one, then BE that silver lining. I think that is what Kara is, but having the weight of the world on her shoulders, when those things that bring her the most comfort are seemingly being pulled away, and change is happening fast, she reverts back to that 12 year old child and her first weeks on earth.

She had 12 years of developing within her a strong since of right and wrong, and a strong since of justice....that is so embedded in her that sometimes her inability to see the grey areas inhibits her ability to function 100%.

She since being on earth has had 12 years of being dependent on Eliza and more importantly Alex.....and it has just been 1 year of learning some independence, which had to be helped along by Alex, because in reality it was Alex that was inhibiting that independence growing in Kara.

I think in this particular episode it was simply a perfect storm. Earth Birthday, so of course that brings back memories of leaving her mother and father, add into that the huge realization of who Guardian was, and now worrying about her 2 best friends. A new relationship coming about with someone that for the first 12 years of her life she was taught to despise.....and then add in a White Martian, and have a not so great day. :) Within Kara there are 2 worlds that will ALWAYS conflict with each other in some way or another.....and to me, that isn't necessarily something to overcome, but something that she will learn to navigate and will be the stronger for it.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 5
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

I very much appreciate your thoughts. They are all pretty valid. I can tell you, without boring, that I have suffered some pretty dramatic losses. Nonetheless, I think Kara is a strong woman and when I mention Kara Zoe-El of Krypton, it does not mean that the great attributes she posses would not be present.

Let's continue exchanging thoughts. Your views are very stimulating.

A journey of 1,000 KM, begins with one step.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 6
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